Dogs and covid-19

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What do we know about dogs and COVID-19?

We still don’t know much about how COVID-19 affects our dogs, but at least we know they don’t get sick likes us when in contact with coronavirus. So, people say dogs can’t transmit COVID-19. Is that true?

Actually, a small number of animals around the world tested were positive for COVID-19 (have the defence sells to combat COVID-19), including cats. An article on The Nature Research Journal says that cats seem to be able to transmit COVID-19 to other cats, but they’re not sure if they can transmit it to humans. The same doesn’t happen with dogs – walkies are guaranteed, don’t worry, beasts. The World Health Organisation and British Veterinary Association affirm there’s no reason to believe they can have the infection and the symptoms we have.

There’s very little info about this right now since we’re trying to find the answers for us, humans, which are suffering so much with COVID-19. The animals will have to wait. But thinking about our health, it is ok to stroke other people’s dogs?

It’s considered low risk by AVMA advice, but there’s a risk! Imagine your dog as a surface. Yeah, a surface! like a stuffed toy, table, tissue or phone. If someone who has the virus touches the surface, the virus can survive there for a while, right? Therefore, someone can get COVID-19 by touching a surface. So technically, you shouldn’t touch dogs even if you keep a distance from the humans. Don’t put yourself and other people at risk.

We’re easing lockdown, but shouldn’t be laid-back with this issue. Wash your hands, use hand sanitiser and try to not get into the temptation to cuddle dogs in the park. Then, how can we be more responsible with our dogs in the park?

Put in place this practical training tips to deal with dogs and COVID-19:

– Train a great recall. So call your dog when he goes close to people.
– No recall at all? Put your dog in a long line when walking. Remember, a short lead walk isn’t exercising!
– Be mindful with people sitting on the floor. Dogs love to go for a sniff and friendly beasts are irresistible for humans.
– Avoid going to the park in the busiest hours. Have you tried it at 7 pm? It’s heaven.
– Keep your dog entertained while waking. You can play games and do training. Remember, it’s not all about ball-throwing!
– Advocate for your dog. Ask people nicely to not touch your dog. Probably he’ll be happy about this, most of them don’t like to be pet but strangers -even if they approach them. Don’t believe me? Ask Marvin!